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Texas Tech University

Educational QualityC- Faculty AccessibilityA-
Useful SchoolworkB- Excess CompetitionB-
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationC+
Individual ValueC- University Resource UseA-
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceA Social LifeB-
Surrounding CityB Extra CurricularsA-
Describes the student body as:
, , , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
She cares more about Educational Quality than the average student.
Date: May 29 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I attended Texas Tech for 5 and a half years and enjoyed my time here. I met many people the are now lifelong friends. I graduated with a degree in Communications Studies and I am now working in a field completely unrelated to my degree...but this is not because the program is bad or offers no opportunity, but because I made a too hasty decision I deciding to switch my major just so I could graduate sooner. Overall, the faculty was helpful, with a few exceptions. However, in my program there was a lot of social interaction between the professors and some students, which I though slightly inappropriate and also gave an unfair advantage to those students and their friends. There was not a lot of help in the advising department (I did not actually speak to my advisor in Arts and Sciences until a week before I graduated when he had to tell me that I was missing a transfer credit transcript that I needed in order to graduate!!!!!) The students are genial and you can find friends I side or outside of the Greek system and bit intermingle fairly well. The fact that this school is a party school (don't let anyone lie to is) does help to unfocus a great many students. But there are just as many who are there to do well, it just takes a lot of personal motivation and a strong will. Overall I enjoyed my time here, and do not regret my choice but I wish that maybe I would have considered some other schools as well. The campus is beautiful and very well maintained.
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