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Georgia State University

Educational QualityC+ Faculty AccessibilityB+
Useful SchoolworkB Excess CompetitionC+
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationC+
Individual ValueA- University Resource UseA
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyF FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceD- Social LifeC+
Surrounding CityD+ Extra CurricularsC-
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Super Brilliant

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty

University Resource Use
She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: May 13 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
GSU is a school for those that want to transfer after two years or to improve their GPA to go somewhere else. Anything else is a lie. The school is trying to improve their image, but it is all bullshit and I'll explain why. I went to a high school that was considered to be good one, but was ignored by the advisers and teachers, even though I got better grades than those that sucked up to them, but would later talk behind their backs. Sorry, but I have a some thing called dignity. I even graduated with honors, but was given no advice, so I chose GSU after getting accepted elsehwere, but staying because of family issues. Bad decision! Read the other comments! The campus is crap! It's is ghetto and unsafe! And it's not about being smart and keeping your had down, but people have been robbed after coming out of the restroom! The campus is also a bunch of buildings that have no unity. If you are looking for a traditional campus and college experience, GSU is not for you. And that's the truth! Anyone that says otherwise is lying! Robberies are a common occurance that people don't even blink an eye and most of it's from the surronding people because the school is located downtown Atlanta. The police don't do their job. You might be safe in the main campus, but the moment you leave it, be careful. And you will because the rest of the cheap food is ten minutes away, along with the dorms and another classroom building, Aderhold. You will walk through traffic and meters that tell you to walk when the cars are speeding by and where you will have to run to the other side because the red light doesn't last while the green light does. Food is alright, but the Student Center food court is not bad, but beware the bagel store! It will rip you off with $6 sandwiches, where you can get a better meal elsewhere. The food near the school, besides Aderhold is okay and not worth the price to too awful, while the University center with the other food court is alright, but there only so many hambrugers and sandwiches that you can take! Also, the southern food they sale is another rip off with small portions scooped by an ice cream scooper for almost $7! The Panther Den sales pizza that has expired cheese, otherwise why would it have a bitter aftertaste? Don't belive me, the other coffee shop in the main library has been rated an F by the food inspector and that says something with their mold infested icebox. GSU is mostly a communter school, so a large portion of the school commutes. I do and it takes two hours! So school spirit is a bust. Again, they're trying to change that with a football team that cost millions and yet they don's fix the campus like Kell and Sparks Hall along with the GCB building. I don't know if any one said this, but Sparks Hall is a junk of irony. The admission floor is nice, but compare it the rest of the floors and you have to laugh because the rest is crap and ghetto! Good luck trying to get water to wash you hands in the nice part of the admission hall. Again, no school spirits and those that have it are employed by the school. No one cares about the sports, again it's a commuter school plus many hated that parts of tutiton was used to pay for a program that cost millions! I know I was upset. I really didn't care and many don't as well, plus to commute for that long and stay at downtown Atlanta until night is a bad decision. The school is not safe; it is not! I don't feel safe and I am moving; funny that they don't tell you that at orientation that was nothing, but bullshit where you had to say in a threater for hours and listen to speaker after speaker! Another thing, you will see the homeless, especially near the parks and will have to pass by religion nuts that scream that you are a sinner. I have no idea how the dorms are, but I do know that you have to sign-up fast or you will be in the streets. The Panther Express that takes you to it doesn't follow a pattern, so you might as well walk though blocks that can only be described as ghetto and unsafe. GSU is trying to label itself as a research institute, which it's not. Go elsewhere or come here and get the core classes done and transfer to Tech. Also, don't join the FLCs. It is not worth it and time consuming. I heard that they make you take a class that really doesn't give you credit and other places won't accept it. So you waste money and time. Plus, they're a waste. I have tried to sign up for classes, but can't because those classes are reserved for them and the only reasonable times avaiable are for small classes and by the time it is your time to sign-up, no space is available unless you want to go to class at 8 am or 8 pm. Classes are not bad, but they're easy. Just read and go to class unless the teacher is a wreck and really out to get you, so avoid those. Real genius is rare here and because the standards are not high, almost anyone gets through. If you hear that someone didn't or got wait-listed, people gasp in shock. I had a class where 90% of the them could not understand "high level" articles discussing social issues and problems. If people fail, and the teacher is not the problem, they will still blame them. Again, I took American Government and the professor curved to 55 average because some got 10s; all you had to do was open the book; in fact, it was like an AP class. It was not heavy and hard. Hints: there's a reason why getting a high A as a freshmen is rare. Tutoring or SI is filled with nothing, but people full of themselves who were got an A, but can't tutor or graduare students that see the material in a different light then a teacher and really doesn't prepare you. I have seen many classmates go to SI and get C and low B, while others that don't go get A's. They don't care; they really don't. They can't teach because then they get yelled by their mentor, so they give handouts and sit back and watch you ask your clueless neighbor all while getting paid. Plus, SI is usually reserved for the social science. Good luck getting help in math and science where you might really need it! The teachers are not bad, some are really nice and helpful. So far, I liked them, but I felt like I was in high school with the level of material. I was really overprepared and if you have alot of AP and IB, then go somewhere else and be challenged. School is not meant to be an easy ride because this will affect the rest of your live, especailly if you go to graduate, law and medical school. You need to build a good foundation and work ethic that GSU doesn't provide as well as others. Those that are challenged maybe weren't ever challenged in high school or didn't bother to give a fuck because GSU is not hard. Piece of advice: check your major. Some of the departments are not the best, ex. history, political science (higher levels is filled with incompetent teachers that are out to get you and can't teach), Eastern Studies, language majors, music, drama and english, but education and business are given attention. I know this school is not for me. The courses are not the best or numerous for me to really be an expert, especially on Africa. Another factor: activities. This is downtown Atlanta and people make it seem like events occur every weekend and you have so much to do. LIARS! I have lived in GA all my life and I can tell you that that is not true. Cocal-Cola, GA Aq are here, but are you really going to go there every weekend? Fox Threater is 2-3 train stations away, the Arena is another place that might have good shows, but don't be pull in by the lie. Greek doesn't matter, again commuter school and clubs might have events, but all I see are them playing music one a week in the square, but all you do it walk by unless you want to see some girls try to dance while failing horribly. This is how I see GSU and I think that it is an honest portrayal. The school does have a reputation as a back-up school. Check this school out before committing to anything. Just go to Google and really do you research and not go by what the GSU orientation and high school advisers say. I guess my main argument is that it is not safe. No campus really is, but GSU takes it to another level with hobos, pimps, homeless and gangsters. I don't want to get shot for walking by, which had occurred this year, for trying to get an education. This school is not challenging me and I don't want to stay and be considered to third rate when I can actually do something more.
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