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Southeastern Louisiana University

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Educational Quality

Educational Quality
He cares more about Friendliness than the average student.
Date: May 03 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Pay attention closely. If there is even a slight chance that you can get out of this place. Go, move to Mexico. The views are better and you have a better chance of adapting to the Mexican lifestyle and learning a new language than you have of convincing student workers that they have pointless jobs. SLU is an cavalcade of ignorant people/staff. I couldn't agree more when others said that it is just like high school. If you don't have a big truck or speakers in your car to annoy the shit out of people trying to get an education. The staff has given me the most problems though. All I want to do is get in, get out, and graduate but they make it near impossible. The financial aid office is the worst. The student workers are ignorant. Never have a dealt with such stupidity. If I wanted idiots to handle my finances I would hire a former AIG employee to do so. Needless to say it's only my freshman year but I won't be there long. There is a reason they had such huge budget cuts. Maybe if you spend money on useful things instead of plasma TVs in the cafeteria so fat kids have a reason to eat and skip class we wouldn't have problems such as this.
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Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Louisiana University