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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityA Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkA- Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationA
Individual ValueD University Resource UseC
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA FriendlinessB+
Campus MaintenanceB Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsA+
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, ' color='class=grade' >

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, ' color='class=grade' >


Individual Value

Faculty Accessibility
She cares more about Individual Value than the average student.
Date: Apr 08 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This review is for FILM students as there is so little advice for them here. I am a film BFA student, but I do know a lot of Cinema Studies students and I must say off the bat I don't recommend the Cinema Studies BA. First BA students learn almost exclusively theory and criticism, not very hands on. Since most film students want to MAKE films it is not a useful program (unless of course you only want to study cinema, then it's great :p). Secondly BA students will not be able to access film equipment but they are charged an equipment fee- not fair to me. The professors in this department are fantastic and always willing to help. I have yet to hear a student complain about an apathetic film professor. Also there are film clubs and many social events to foster a sense of comraderie which is beneficial to all the film students. As for the BFA it requires a separate application and accepts about 30 students a year (25 freshman, 5 transfers) so if you want to learn how to MAKE films at an affordable price without leaving Florida I suggest applying! If you don't make it, apply again or go to Valencia down the way that also has a notable film program although it is less well rounded and exclusively technical (no writing, theory, or business skills taught). The BFA is intended to develop students in all aspects of film: sound, editing,writing, directing, cinematography, production managemnet so that you graduate able to make your own films, commonly known as an Independent filmmaker-very useful in the current Hollywood breakdown of talent (nowadays a lot of the really good stuff, even some of the mainstream popular films are coming in from film festivals, from independents- so again, very useful). I have not yet handled the actual gear so I cannot comment on it's condition but I have heard there is not much of it, but I guess that's one of the issues with having such a small program. As far as UCF itself: -it's huge, but amongst film students it feels smaller since you continuously see the same people in different classes. -parking's a bitch. Take the shuttle and save yourself the trouble. -yes the water both smells and I assume tastes like it came from a toilet -yes Orlando is a pretty risque city; lots of crime, lots of opportunities for fun -finding housing can be a hassle so apply early and shop around -UCF IS A MONEY HUNGRY BUREAUCRACY: process that and work around it, and always think, at least I'm not paying 40 grand a year like at Rollins (unless you are to which I say-What are you doing at UCF???) -Take your gen eds at Valencia- save yourself money and the painful realization that they are of the same caliber And remember future filmmakers,wanting to be a filmmaker is like being being gay: either you come out or you become a financial advisor and let your passion hang in the closet until it bursts out at you during your mid-life crisis. Good luck all ;)
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