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Duquesne University

Educational QualityB Faculty AccessibilityA-
Useful SchoolworkB- Excess CompetitionA
Academic SuccessA Creativity/ InnovationB-
Individual ValueA University Resource UseC
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA- FriendlinessB+
Campus MaintenanceC Social LifeD
Surrounding CityB Extra CurricularsB+
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >


Social Life

Excess Competition
She cares more about Social Life than the average student.
Date: Nov 22 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
The worst thing that I have encountered in my experience from being at Duquesne is that the students are not nice at all. I have not had a good experience at all here and it has gotten to a point where it is almost unbearable to be here. The students are all mostly rich and with that comes with the stereotypical people. They are not accepting of others and many of them are immature. The groups from high school: jocks, geeks, cheerleaders, etc. are present here and absolutely everyone is exactly the same in character. Many act for their own self-interests, and many will only be your friend if they see something in it for themselves. I have tried to find people other than these that I have come across but they are really all the same. They are mostly from Pittsburgh and most are rich. The ones that are not rich are so busy since they have to work hard to keep their scholarship so they practically never have time for a social life. The people are closed-minded and cannot see things from another's point of view. The school has some nature i.e. trees, grass. It is hilly and the church is gorgeous. Although the students are terrible (putting it lightly), the faculty and employees are wonderful and very friendly. The people in the cafe will help you get something like a drink if it is not there and the people at the entrance will tell you what the best thing is on the menu if you talk to them and treat them like a person, unlike many of the students would. The cafe does have bugs and so I would urge people to report it to the school because they need to fix that. I have tried to get the manager to do something about it but I don't think it helped since they are still present. Some of the staff are very nice and they want you to succeed but some are not like that. The class material is not hard at all. I really don't know if it is worth going to but I guess you just have to cross your fingers. I wish I could say more things that would put Duq in a favorable light but basically if you can ignore the students who often get drunk and high, then you can come and get a degree and the famous ring.
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