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Texas Tech University

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkB+ Excess CompetitionA+
Academic SuccessA+ Creativity/ InnovationA
Individual ValueA+ University Resource UseA+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessA+
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityB- Extra CurricularsB
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Surrounding City

Educational Quality
She cares more about Extra Curriculars than the average student.
Date: Apr 19 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I am about to get my BSBA from Tech and let me say that the Rawls College of Business is amazing. The standard for education quality at Tech is getting better and better every year. Its almost upsetting that I am graduating when the university is really picking up steam. Rawls has definitely prepared me well and I am confident about graduate school. I will be attending the Hough Graduate School of Business at the University of Florida. Tech is amazing, I will miss it, wreck em Tech! I almost went to UHouston but came here instead, and I am very happy with that decision.
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