Date: Apr 06 2010 Major: (This Major's Salary over time) I majored in Geology when the whole world wanted to go into oil. The world was watching J.R. Ewing on "Dallas". Only about 60% made it through the curriculum. Some professors cared --others didn't. The geology curriculum was challenging and A's were hard to come by. This was in the era before grade inflation. I graduated w/ a 2.8 (but had one bad semester at a 1.1). Once I got off campus my Jr. and Sr. years I had over a 3.25 GPA. I needed to grow up a little. Only about 5 of the 60 graduated with honors (3.5+). I have run into several A&M geology grads from that timeframe and they are doing very well for themselves. I am in the environmental geology field for a major oil company and I run into Aggies in the consulting fields. The department isn't handling near the number of undergrads that it used to so more individual instruction is possible now.
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I majored in Geology when the whole world wanted to go into oil. The world was watching J.R. Ewing on "Dallas". Only about 60% made it through the curriculum. Some professors cared --others didn't. The geology curriculum was challenging and A's were hard to come by. This was in the era before grade inflation. I graduated w/ a 2.8 (but had one bad semester at a 1.1). Once I got off campus my Jr. and Sr. years I had over a 3.25 GPA. I needed to grow up a little. Only about 5 of the 60 graduated with honors (3.5+). I have run into several A&M geology grads from that timeframe and they are doing very well for themselves. I am in the environmental geology field for a major oil company and I run into Aggies in the consulting fields. The department isn't handling near the number of undergrads that it used to so more individual instruction is possible now.