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Southeastern Louisiana University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Feb 28 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This college has had a reputation of being "Slow Learner University," but I beg to differ. It's what you make of it and the quality of the instruction is quite good. If anything, I fear the teachers may care too much about the students; perhaps require more responsibility form them. I do feel I have to constantly defend my degree from Southeastern, but only to those who chose baby degrees (i.e.: degrees, like sociology, that are easy anywhere) or those who've never set foot on campus. Southeastern was my school of choice for my SECOND bachelor's degree and I chose it so I'd have a college experience different from my first. The University is much like a family.
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Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Louisiana University