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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkB- Excess CompetitionA+
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationA
Individual ValueB- University Resource UseA
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB- FriendlinessA
Campus MaintenanceA- Social LifeA-
Surrounding CityA+ Extra CurricularsA+
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Useful Schoolwork

Educational Quality
She cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: May 26 2009
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
UCF is becoming harder to get into, but if you do well in HS you're fine. In the maths and sciences many professors are foreign and can be difficult to understand, but most are brilliant and have received wonderful educations. If you can understand them, then they can be quite wonderful. If you have trouble understanding accents and are planning on majoring in Engineering or Sciences you might have some difficulties.
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