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Duquesne University

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, , , ' color='class=grade' >

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' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Educational Quality

Educational Quality
She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: Apr 23 2009
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This school is absolutely horrible. I came here because I knew the name Duquesne and everything I had heard about the school was positive. The campus looked nice, and the class I sat in on seemed semi-difficult coming from a junior in high school. However, when I got here that all changed. Pretty much all the classes here are mind-numbing. They are not challenging at all and you can get an A by doing absoultely nothing. The food here is terrible, and the city is dirty and will get old fast. There is absolutely nothing good about this school. It's expensive for what you get out of it, if you don't play a sport you won't have friends, and you'll just end up getting in trouble if you have a social life at all. Stay away from this school like the plague. They just want your money.
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