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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityC+ Faculty AccessibilityC
Useful SchoolworkD Excess CompetitionF
Academic SuccessF Creativity/ InnovationC
Individual ValueF University Resource UseC-
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA FriendlinessC
Campus MaintenanceB- Social LifeA+
Surrounding CityA+ Extra CurricularsA+
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Excess Competition

Social Life
She cares more about Excess Competition than the average student.
Date: Jan 30 2009
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I have been going to UCF for 3 years and just recently graduated so you can finish! I came as a junior from a community college and didn't want to stray too far from home so I decided to go to UCF among other options. As far as the school goes, it is very well kept and all the good reviews seem to be quite true. You will have your cool and worst professors every now and then so as far as the course work goes, you are on your own. Someone told me once that professors get paid to help you pass by begging which I thought was totally untrue. If this holds true for UCF would you consider the quality of your education to be up to par with the workforce? There are many things to do on campus like clubs, organizations, you name it. For those that say UCF is a party school, any college can be a party school. It's all on you whether you want to attend every single party advertised on campus and there are other things besides parties that UCF offers like resume forums and the like. Now to get to my biggest concern of the school. Yes UCF is well kept as far as the outside goes. You might find a couple nice bathrooms in the newer class buildings on campus and the union. But I have been reading most of these reviews and the topic that comes up the most is money hungry which I totally agree with since my last incident with parking services. 1) It first started with the closing of the testing labs in Business Administration II bldg. They were to close every Saturday if there was a football game. So you mean to tell me that football games are more important than education especially for those who could only make it on Saturday....everybody doesn't not have the same free time as most do. 2) Next it continued with the closing of the Library on Saturday during the summer sessions. For those who do spend most of their time in the library in the summer for any reason cannot due to budget cuts??? But then again, we still have enough money to build a stadium and a brand new arena. 3) I once heard that the computer labs in the Union were 24hrs which is great for those who need the services no matter how late they are doing their homework. Now they close at midnight and also on football games, also due to budget cuts?, so students are out of luck. Why wait until finals week to stay open 24hrs? This should be available Mon-Fri and also on the wknds closing at earlier times regardless of football games. 4) Lastly parking tickets. Beware of the parking ticketers on campus! You don't know when they are coming but then again you do put yourself at risk for a ticket when you parking with no decal. I have had a fair share of those! But besides that, I had a little incident this past semester (I had a parking decal in my name and everything). I made a careless mistake and left my decal in my room one day and didn't notice until I had parked on campus. Thinking it was ok, I didnt worry too much about it because i had a DECAL IN MY NAME for my car. So I got a ticket..yea yea its all fine and dandy because I could just dispute that bad boy and get it taken care of. But since nothing never goes the way you want, I ended up having to pay for the ticket because my decal wasn't shown that day. They mention that everything you want to know about parking violations is located in their bi-laws. The only thing that makes me mad is that I paid $80 for a semester decal and still had to pay an extra $25 because I didn't have my decal THAT DAY. You cannot tell me UCF is in it for the money. With all these funds and technology that they supposedly have, you cant tell me that parking services cant look into their portable computer and see that I have a paid decal???? But they can surely check to see if you have multiple dilinquent tickets to put a boot on your car which is probably an extra $100 right there. I am in no way trying to deter anybody from going to UCF. Just be careful. Why support a school that cannot allocate the money in the right places.....
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