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The University of Central Florida

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She cares more about Surrounding City than the average student.
Date: Oct 14 2008
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
UCF was a great experience for the first semester. The second semester though showed a different side. Labs were taught by undergrad students who had taken the course the semester prior with no education to elaborate. Science and Math courses are taught in a stadium seating fashion with 350 plus students. Students would sit on the floors and talk so loud through out the class that it was impossible to hear the professors lecture. Most of my recorded notes have 30 min conversations of students sitting in the front of the room. Everything was taught via powerpoint. The professors here do not teach! Parking was horrible! I had to arrive an hour before class to find a spot. I waited three weeks to hear a return from my chemistry teacher about a topic just to be told to talk to the teaching assistant who was not even a chemisrty major. I heard many negative things about this school and did not listen to others because I thought that because I was a 3.5 student I would be fine. Thanks UCF for wasting my time and money.
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