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Southeastern Louisiana University

Educational QualityC Faculty AccessibilityB+
Useful SchoolworkB Excess CompetitionC-
Academic SuccessC+ Creativity/ InnovationC+
Individual ValueB University Resource UseC
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyC+ FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceC+ Social LifeD
Surrounding CityD Extra CurricularsD
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
' color='class=grade' >


Social Life

Faculty Accessibility
He cares more about Extra Curriculars than the average student.
Date: Sep 17 2008
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Overall the school is ok, but if you don't wear flat billed hats, drive a truck, or have/interested in getting STDs you probably won't like it. The only real friends I have here are my friends i went to high school with. Most people leave and go more interesting places like Baton Rouge and New Orleans for the weekend and the campus is dead. Theres just not much fun stuff going on around here and the things they try to make fun are just cheesy and suck. I wouuldn't recommend this place to anyone from out of state and only to in state people that commute from BR or NOLA because this town is full of ignorant toothless people and there is no fun to be had
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Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Louisiana University