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Georgia State University

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He cares more about Surrounding City than the average student.
Date: Dec 09 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
If you are thinking about going to Georgia State then I would suggest you think again. This school is about the biggest dump I have ever seen in my life. I wouldnt wish this horrid place on anybody. A big problem with this school is that the campus is not safe. I have been verbally attacked by religious zealots who position themselves around the campus to attack students trying to get to class. I have also gotten use to being followed around by random beggers who will constantly ask you for money and whatnot. The security on this campus is garbage and they are rarely seen. Another problem is the campus,and I use that term very loosely. If you consider a few random buildings around downtown atlanta a campus than you already know what to expect at this dump. This campus is really pathetic in every sense of the word. The dorms are no where near any of the class buildings and you have to walk through about 4 blocks of an economic train wreck(Ghetto) to even get to the general classroom building. Sadly the dorms are about as safe as the campus. Last week some random old drunk from the city was trashing the dorms(seriously....he was a random dude off the street) and the crappy security took forever to come haul him away..Nice Job security. A great motto for this school would be ''Social life? We dont need no stinkin social life!'' because social life at this school is pretty much nil. This school lacks a football team so the main show is basketball. The school has to literally beg students to come to games and the participation is laughable. Nobody goes to the games which is a good thing because watching the horrible basketball team lose might actually lower the already non exsistent school pride. Every athletic team at this school has a losing record and the athletes here are laughably bad. A big part of the social aspect of this school is the ''party'' held in the courtyard on tuesdays and thursdays. These parties are nothing more than hour long ''swoon fest'' which consist of chicks standing around swooning over some frat dudes stepping and yelling out their organizations name over and over. Apparently if you are too socially inept to get a girlfriend come to Georgia state and join a frat,You will get ''play'' then. The students here are mediocre just like the school they attend. If you think the mostly commuter population of this school takes education seriously then you should think again. Students at this school wont do work,study for test,sleep in class...ect and expect to Make an A or B. Then when midterms show up and they realize they are screwing up and they all get this weird look on their face(Its like depression and shock rolled into one) and try to talk to the teacher. The students are also snobby jerks who think they are so much better than everybody just because they are in college. There are many diffrent student organizations that are about as active as a cemetery. Student organizations suffer from the fact that most students dont like being at this school. This school has alot of race issues like most of the south. White/black/asian/hispanic student look down on students from other groups. Academically this school is pretty easy as long as you put forth the effort. Do not Do not Do not Do not X100 Go to this school. I am about to transfer regardless if the other school takes my credits or not. Anything is better than this hellhole
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