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The Bel Rea Institute of Animal Technology

Educational QualityF Faculty AccessibilityD-
Useful SchoolworkD- Excess CompetitionD-
Academic SuccessD- Creativity/ InnovationF
Individual ValueF University Resource UseD-
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyF FriendlinessD-
Campus MaintenanceD- Social LifeD
Surrounding CityA+ Extra CurricularsF
Describes the student body as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

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, ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Educational Quality

Surrounding City
She cares more about Useful Schoolwork than the average student.
Date: May 21 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Bel-Rea provide NO hands on learning. We placed one catheter in a canine at the animal shelter that we then had to euthanize. (It was a healthy Pit bull. We did one jugular venipuncture which was on a horse, with multiple people sticking the same horse. Bel-Rea costs way too much money, most of it going to teacher's salary and advertising. Advertising is the way they reel people in. Think Animal Planet. If I were wiser and not 19, there is no way in HELL i would have moved 1/2 way across the country to atteng Bel-Rea. I am very dissapointed with the education I recieved. THE CREDITS DON'T TRANSFER. THE SCHOOL IS NOT ACCREDIDATED. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. Colorado Mountain College and Front Range Community College both have excellent programs for WAY LESS. Bel-Rea sucks the life energy out of you.
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