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Texas Tech University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Jan 13 2006
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
My college was not very connected to my professional outcome. When I graduated, I spent 6 months searching for a teaching job! Mathematics is a needy area in education, but my degree seemed worthless. Texas Tech University should have emphasized the worth of working while in college. I did not, as I was studying very hard and graduated in 3 years. But, had I known that experience is as valuable as a good GPA and a diploma, I would not have been in a hurry to graduate. Texas Tech has never asked from the day I graduated what I was doing. They seem to be able to call and ask for money, though! Of course, I donate, maybe my money will be put to their career services.
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