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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityA- Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkB Excess CompetitionB+
Academic SuccessC Creativity/ InnovationB-
Individual ValueB- University Resource UseB+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceA- Social LifeA-
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsB
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, ' color='class=grade' >

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Academic Success

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
He cares more about Academic Success than the average student.
Date: Aug 02 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
UCF is a very good scholl overall. I live in Central Florida and live off campus so I can't comment on campus living. I can't comment about the core classes are either at UCF since I went my 1st 2 years to community college. The only classes I took at UCF were my major classes- which were very good for the most part. UCF has an excellent undergrad business program unlike most college which only care about MBA business students. The Finance major is very good, and you really learn a lot from every class. The quality of education you get from a UCF undergrad business degree does not compare with top notch northeastern schools, but it's as good as any you'll find in the southeast- or close to it. As for the other aspects of the school: 1. Campus layout/look- Well the campus is massive. Then again with something like 35,000 students it has to be. Parking can be a pain, and you might have to walk a half mile or more from the parking lot to your classes. The campus is beautiful though- plenty of trees, lakes, and grassy areas that are very nice for sunbathing, studying, etc. 2. Library/Computer Labs, etc.- UCF has an excellent library that is 4 floors. Basically the library has all the materials you could ever considerably need for doing research for classes and there are plenty of good spots for studying. There are also a TON of computer labs on campus so you never have to venture far to type, print, or surf the web. 3. Professors- Just like all colleges, some are good, some are bad. All you have to do is look up the professor on on the web and you can find out all you need before registering for their class. Most professors ar UCF are good though. As for class sizes at UCF, it depends on the class. Core classes tend to be large auditorium courses with over a hundred people, which higher level electives or major specific courses may have as few as 20-30. 4. The people- UCF is one of the friendlier campuses I've been to. The vast majority (70%+), of UCF students live in Central Florida- so its easy to relate with others if your from FL. And even if you're from out of state you shouldn't have much trouble making friends. There are Frats and Sororities on campus, but they don't seem to fragment the campus into isolated groups- especially since most students live off campus anyhow. 5. Campus Fod, shops, etc.- This is one of UCF's biggest strengths. UCF has a lot of good places to eat ranging from fast food, to dining halls to nice restaurant and even a pub that serves beer (which I often slip off to in between classes to help me through my next class). The campus also has a nice bookstore which sells non-textbooks and other stuff. There is also jiffy store type stores, a Sun Trust bank, and many other stores and places on campus includig a clinic and an eye care center. 6. The area surrounding the UCF campus- There is always something to do in Orlando. There are dozens of great restaurants, bars, shops, malls, and much more within a few miles of campus. The campus is located a bit outside the downtown area of Orlando- but its not that far really, just a 20 min. or so drive to the downtown nightclubs and Church Street Station. Disney and the theme parks are further- maybe a 30-40 min. drive tops.
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