Date: Jun 20 2004 Major: (This Major's Salary over time) Being from an overseas background I came to Tech in the mid 80's to complete my work on Computer Science, then an infant field. Nevertheless, I was challenged by the coursework and believe that it was responsible for my later career success. Also, I more than anyone else here should have been 'culture-shocked' by the so-called "backwardness" of the "right-winged religious fanatics" here, yet I was not and even came to respect the honesty of the people here and their simplicity in life. After graduation, I was adequately prepared enough to land a job within the month and have had one ever since, many of them with major fortune 500 corporations. And yes, Lincoln Parish might be a 'dry' parish but the town of Ruston is a quiet and quaint Southern town which might not house any major entertainment attractions but has an overabundance of good honest people.
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Being from an overseas background I came to Tech in the mid 80's to complete my work on Computer Science, then an infant field. Nevertheless, I was challenged by the coursework and believe that it was responsible for my later career success. Also, I more than anyone else here should have been 'culture-shocked' by the so-called "backwardness" of the "right-winged religious fanatics" here, yet I was not and even came to respect the honesty of the people here and their simplicity in life. After graduation, I was adequately prepared enough to land a job within the month and have had one ever since, many of them with major fortune 500 corporations. And yes, Lincoln Parish might be a 'dry' parish but the town of Ruston is a quiet and quaint Southern town which might not house any major entertainment attractions but has an overabundance of good honest people.