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Texas Tech University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Jun 19 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Like life, any college is going to be what you make it. Tech was a great place for me though I partied way too much back then. My wife & I met there. Our 2 kids are students there now. It appears to me that the curriculum is more demanding and standards are higher now than 30 years ago. The campus is much prettier now and anyone that hasn't seen it in the last 10 years should come back to visit. Lubbock has hardly changed except for the Depot District which looks like a fun place to be. I would choose Tech all over again however; I would major in a more specialized field and place more emphasis on my studies this time....When you're looking for that internship or first job out of school, those with the higher gpa's will be in high demand! By the way, I never got used to Lubbock but, the friends I made there more than made up for the location.
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