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Texas Tech University

Educational QualityA Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkC Excess CompetitionB+
Academic SuccessA+ Creativity/ InnovationA+
Individual ValueB+ University Resource UseA+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB+ FriendlinessA
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeA+
Surrounding CityC Extra CurricularsA-
Describes the student body as:
, , , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Useful Schoolwork

Faculty Accessibility
He cares more about Useful Schoolwork than the average student.
Date: Jun 10 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
EVERY QUESTION YOU HAD ABOUT TEXAS TECH FINALLY ANSWERED!! Texas Tech is a phenomenal school in many given aspects. There is a great deal of team spirit and school pride. Football games are awesome along with all of the major sporting events (Big 12). I would like to clarify most rumors about Texas Tech. "Are there alot of hot girls there?" Yes. Once again, yes! The girls here are very hott, for the most part they are fake and baked blondes but they are still very gorgeous. This rumor is true and Texas Tech has some of the hottest girls in the United States!! Next rumor: "Is Texas Tech a party school"? Once again, yes. This school is absorbed with parties, mostly ranging off campus in near by apartments (i.e Raiders Pass). Be warned and cautioned however, that parties do exist here each and every night and if you party too often you may become susceptible to listing yourself on academic probation. So to conclude with that rumor, Texas Tech is a gigantic party school!! "Is it true that Lubbock is boring as hell"? Not necessarily. I would consider Lubbock boring if I weren't a student at Lubbock. YOU HAVE TO BE A STUDENT TO ENJOY LUBBOCK. There a several clubs that are hot like Graham Central Station in which there are wet t-shirt contests and naughty school girl contests. Other than that, it isn't downtown Houston if you know what I mean! "Is Texas Tech the STD captial of Texas"? Again, let me reiterate. Lubbock County and Brazoria County are known for having high STD rates. Texas A&M is in the Brazoria County area. Obviously these two schools are a great factor to the contribution of these statistics. More-so, Lubbock is probably affected the most considering 1/8 of Lubbock County residence are drunk, horny, sex driven Red Raider students!! The moral of this story? Use a condom....but the girls here are still plentiable!! If you still are interested after reading this, then Texas Tech is the place for you!! GO RED RAIDERS!!!!!!
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