StudentsReview :: The Academy of Art University - Education Quality Ratings
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The Academy of Art University

Breakdown of “Education Quality” at AAU

By Gender
By Major
Architecture & Urban Planning DepartmentC
Art & Design DepartmentB
Design Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etcB-
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcB
Industrial DesignB
Interior DesignC+
Music EducationF

Against similar schools

Education Quality compared with similar schools in class.

Academy of Art University
Average of All Schools
Average of schools in class

Savannah College of Art and Design
University of California - Berkeley
Rhode Island School of Design
Harvard University
University of Southern California
New York University
Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising - Los Angeles

Education Quality

... I do think that the New Media major has a lot more subpar education than the 3D animation/modeling/FX/Games majors ...Read full comment
... If you want to work hard and be chalenged and get valuable education come here ...Read full comment
... I knew of a few students who filed complaints about her the thing is about a private school education that also in theory it is better quality fo...Read full comment
... My education was worthless before I even graduated ...Read full comment
... WJU faculty and staff are more than helpful to see that your education useful and relevant ...Read full comment
... Better go to Parsons where the education is worth the money, or FIT where it's a lot cheaper even if you are out of state students ...Read full comment
... Excuse me but - I want to be a seriously taken architect and I want to have a level of higher education in subjects other than what is esthetical...Read full comment
... All the instructors are working in the industry so they will bring you the greatest and latest in education standards ...Read full comment
... After several years of attending community college on and off, I was determined to get serious about my education ...Read full comment
... As of Fall 2015 every undergrad class here is about $2400 a piece per semester so there is no reason to pay that kind of money for general educat...Read full comment
... The best thing by far about this school is the education ...Read full comment
... They teach grad level, yet almost none of them have a grad level education themselves ...Read full comment
... do not rely on educational growth, and learning from experience ...Read full comment
... remember to SHOP for your education to get the best deal ...Read full comment
... I have done everything I can to make positive changes by complaining the entire time I've been there but they have not heard my, or MANY MANY MA...Read full comment
... If you want more of a structured and theory-based film making education, I would suggest checking out a REAL university like USC or UCLA, NYU .....Read full comment
... Above all, if you are CERTAIN on your major and want great quality in education and training, the Academy of Art University has it all ...Read full comment
... Don't let educational vultures with a slick title put you in crushing debt for little return ...Read full comment
... If you are going to spend 4 years of your life studying and spending all of your money then you might as well get a decent education from it ...Read full comment
... Do not get sucked into paying $100,000 in student loans for an education like I did ...Read full comment
... Administration only cares about money not about the quality of the education ...Read full comment
... If you want a high quality art education, go to a state university and/or study privately ...Read full comment
... The Acsdemy of Art University will drag you through a 5+ year, subjective grading, over-priced ride that will more than likely result in you havin...Read full comment
... #academyofartuniversity: This "school" is really like the walmart of educational institutions ...Read full comment
... Worry about your education ...Read full comment
... If you don't have rich parents, the administration leaves you out in the dark to figure out how to finance your education and they offer little ...Read full comment
... Is there value to the education they offer ...Read full comment
... College students need to understand that a college education is not necessarily a guarantee of a successful career ...Read full comment
... These are my thoughts: The school does a satisfactory job of trying to keep the level of technology up to par, however, I can't say the same a...Read full comment
... If you want a very well rounded art education in one of the best cities for art, then go here ...Read full comment
... EDUCATION: In high school I challenged myself with AP and honors courses, so you can see how I was surprised when I found the course work to ...Read full comment
... SO, if you'd like a third rate college, where no one will really take your degree seriously, you'd like a heaping load of college debt and stude...Read full comment
... It was the best education, ever ...Read full comment
The Academy of Art University
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