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Texas Tech University

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This is my 4th year at Texas TechQuite BrightPreLaw and Legal
This is my 4th year at Texas Tech and I have loved everything about my experience! First off the campus beauty is unmatched, everyone will agree that it is one of the most beautiful campus's in the nation. There are a lot of misconceptions about Lubbock and Texas Tech that I've heard. People think Texas Tech is a run down campus in an old dirty hick town which is so far from the truth. Lubbock is really green most times of the year, except for winter. The campus as I mentioned earlier is spectacular, you really have to see it yourself to get a good grasp on what I'm saying. And Lubbock is an awesome town! This town has grown soooooo much just since I've been at Tech. Some fun facts about Lubbock: Lubbock is number 1 in the nation for most restaurants per capita. There are so many AWESOME and unique places to go to eat, dine, and have a good time in Lubbock. 2nd Lubbock is a pretty new city so it's growth and planning is great. All of the streets in Lubbock are set up on a perfect grid, and all of the street names are alphabetical, and all the street numbers are numerical! Plus there is loop that runs around the whole town, making it super easy to travel arond Lubbock. You look at Lubbock right now and it looks like portions of Austin/Dallas/Houston/San Antonio. We have inheirated many of the unique restaurants, and places that use to be inherit only to those cities. All of the sports stadiums and facilities are ON CAMPUS! It really makes for an awesome campus feel being able to catch a baseball game on a friday afternoon right after class. Plus all sporting events are free for students, and the atmosphere is always electic, espeically for football. Tech has the 2nd biggest campus in the nation behind the Air Force Academy. We are the only school in Texas to have an undergraduate campus, a Law School, and Medical school all lying on the same continous campus. Texas Tech is surronded by starbucks, restaurants, copying labs, book stores, lofts, and other business's making it really convient for students to travel across the street for almost anything you desire. I am a Law student here and Tech was ranked top 20 best values last year, which consists of price, class size, professor evaluation, law degrees earned, and test scores. Texas Tech in number one in the state of Texas for students passing the bar exam on the firt attempt at 91 percent. Overall I have loved my experience here at Tech and wouldn't trade my great education or amazing experiences here for anything! Tech really is a diamond in the rough and one of the best kept secrets in the country! Take a visit out to Lubbock sometime and you will fall in love with the whole experience.
4th Year Female -- Class 2010
Education Quality: A+,
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As an undergrad student at the Rawls CollegeQuite BrightOther
As an undergrad student at the Rawls College of Business, classes and instructors are excellent! Texas Tech, the school with a bad rep for being mediocre, is extremely competitive. At Texas Tech, students from all financial and nationality backgrounds come together to create a very accepting atmosphere. Even though Tech now has an enrollment exceeding 30,000 students, you still get the small school atmosphere. Professors are more than willing to meet with you and provide any help possible. Contrary to popular belief, Texas Tech has an excellent education system and is quickly becoming a top-notch university in the state of Texas AND the U.S. Perhaps my favorite thing about the Rawls College of Business is the Study Abroad opportunities. Faculty and staff are constantly encouraging students to study abroad and even have a dedicated office to help you find a country and program that suits your needs. As with any school, you get out of your education what you put into it. Texas Tech is a fabulous school with great facilities, professors, and students! Wreck Em'!
1st Year Male -- Class 2013
Education Quality: A+, Collaboration/Competitive: A
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The Rawls Business schoolsSuper BrilliantFinance
The Rawls Business schools has quickly climbed the social ladder and has emerged as a top 30 business school in the nation. I have had an excellent experience so far with my program and it has already earned me a long list of job opportunities.
3rd Year Male -- Class 2014
Education Quality: A+, Extracurricular Activities: A
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