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Seton Hill University

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The Physician Assistant program at this college isQuite BrightOther
The Physician Assistant program at this college is grossly misrepresented. The staff is dishonest and do not represent the philosophy of the program to applicants accurately and honestly. Inaccurate/incorrect information given to current students. Professors directly refuse to help/answer questions.Applicants beware.
1st Year Female -- Class 2013
Campus Aesthetics: A, Education Quality: F
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When I enrolled, Seton Hill was undergoing someJournalism
When I enrolled, Seton Hill was undergoing some monumental changes in structure, focus and curriculum. It is a small, private, Catholic liberal arts college, but don't feel intimidated. The school is very progressive as a Catholic college, with the biggest emphasis on social justice, multicultural dialogue and personal development. There is a very active Habitat for Humanity chapter, a Martin Luther King Day of Service integrated into the curriculum and professors that emphasize ethics. Seton Hill does the difficult task of combining professional and entrepreneurial development with personal development. A foundation in the liberal arts is a great advantage as additional education at graduate and professional schools is almost always inevitable in an expanding workforce. Seton Hill will help you discover your passion, evaluate your goals and give you the tools necessary to move on.The difference is in the people all around you, professors know you by name and actually care about both their discipline and their students. Syllabuses follow a logical, standardized form and are easy to use to monitor your progress. If you take the course of study seriously, this school will shape you more than you can imagine. Some of the most important lessons to be gained here are not in the classroom. A foundation here will not prepare you for a job, but for a career and for life.
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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Okay, I am 27 and just decided toQuite BrightMath
Okay, I am 27 and just decided to go back to school one year ago to get an undergrad degree. Seton Hill had the reputation of being one of the best, if not the BEST, school in the area, and they offered a major in Actuary Science, so I chose Seton Hill. After almost 2 full semesters, here's how I see it...

The professors are all brilliant!! All but one of my professors so far have been doctors, and the one that wasn't taught an online class, so it didn't really matter anyway. I would say most of my professors are geniuses, they don't have big egos at all, they are usually open to discussion and debate during class, always willing to help, and seem to really love their jobs.

The university is all about writing. The English/LA classes seem to require an obscene amount of writing. Even some of the business classes require a presentation and 10 page paper. It's really a pain in the neck.

I'm really too old to comment on the social life/extracurricular activities. All of the students are really nice and friendly. There seems to be a lot of overachievers/bookworms/good students, whatever you want to call them, kids who try really hard and attend every single class. (When I was 19 I was a dropout, so its just kind of surprising.) A lot of professors have an attendance policy built into their grade scale, so it is kinda hard to skip much class without getting your grade lowered.

Seton Hill is like this... a "quality education", professors who will push you, nice, friendly students. If you're considering Univ. of Pitt at Greensburg, DON'T. I've been there. I know Seton Hill is a lot more expensive, but it's definitely worth it. UPG and WCCC are more like a fashion show/popularity contest than a university. The popular kids at Seton Hill are the ones who know what they are talking about in class and try to get good grades.If you're kind of lazy, or you don't like attending class & participating in class, it's gonna be tough to get good grades here unless you are a total genius. On the other hand, when grades come out and you got A's and B's, it's gonna feel good because you know you had to do a lot of work to earn those good grades. Greensburg is real lame, but if you decide to attend a school in SW PA, Seton Hill is GREAT.

1st Year Male -- Class 2009
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Surrounding City: D+
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