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Pensacola Christian College

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I am currently employed as a police officer.Quite BrightCriminal
I am currently employed as a police officer. As a regular course of my daily duties I come into contact with citizens that have chosen not to follow the many rules of society (commonly known as laws.) These people are often viewed as "suspects" or "perpetrators." Students that choose to go to PCC are also obligated to abide by a set of rules (known as the Student Handbook.) When they choose not to follow these rules consequences follow. Typically these consequences only result in demerits (a point system that leads to further disciplinary action if necessary.) Yes, PCC has rules that other colleges or universities don't have. If you are going to college to experience the party life, get drunk or sleep around then don't choose PCC. If you're going to college to further your education, meet lifelong friends and to grow in your spiritual life then PCC is the place for you! PCC never has and never will claim to be the best choice for any student. However, they do claim to be a safe place for a Christian young person to focus on their education and avoid the many temptations and pitfalls that are so common on other college campuses. Many students have chosen to attend PCC and then chosen to violate the rules that are in place. When they are punished, they blame the rules instead of blaming themselves for violating them. Don't let these "suspects" and "perpetrators" cloud your perspective about PCC!
4th Year Male -- Class 1999
Useful Schoolwork: A+, Surrounding City: C
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I knew I wanted to go to PCCBrightEducation
I knew I wanted to go to PCC since I was a freshman in high school. PCC was by far the unpopular choice to all my friends and partly my family. I knew that there were many rules that I didn't feel were necessary. I also knew that they were the only school in the country with a traditional Christian elementary education major. This made it worthwhile for me because I got exactly what I wanted. Of course the affordable tuition was a bonus. The pantyhose were a small sacrifice for getting what I wanted in my education. The godly atmosphere and desire to not be like other college and university campuses makes PCC not the right choice for everyone. But if you weigh your motives for attending school PCC is the place to go for academics and spiritual growth. Partying and "self-expression" are best saved for some other campus.
4th Year Female -- Class 2004
Education Quality: A+, Individual Value: D+
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I feel that the education PCC provides isReligion/Religious
I feel that the education PCC provides is exceptional. In my organization I am frequently called on to speak publicly and write copy for publication. I feel that this is directly related to the fact that I learned much about how to communicate effectively at PCC.

PCC has instilled within me an appreciation and quest for excellence. This has served me well in the workforce and in graduate school.

Speaking of graduate school … I was a “B” student at PCC and am getting straight “As” as I pursue an MBA. The academic standards are high and prepare the student well for life after college.

There is one negative that I need to share about my education from PCC. I had to jump through many hoops before I was accepted into graduate school at an accredited university. The administration of PCC was helpful in gaining this acceptance. However I feel that prospective students should be made aware that PCC is not accredited. Furthermore you should know that accreditation does matter to other educational institutions and to some employers. This being said anyone pursuing ministry would do well to consider PCC. I would encourage other students (business, education, nursing, etc.) to consider starting their undergraduate education at PCC then transferring to an accredited university.

Many people think that the rules at PCC are unreasonable. There are a lot of them. Frankly none of the rules other than “lights out” and the music restrictions bothered me. You have to go to bed at 10PM or 11PM through the week … not really a big deal 10 years latter. They also do not allow Southern Gospel Music. If I were on my way to PCC tomorrow I would buy an I-Pod, load it with my favorite Southern Gospel songs, and take the demerits if I got caught … also not really a big deal. If you want to go to college to “party” … go somewhere else … you will be happier, the students who have chosen to attend this Christian college will be happier, and the deans will get to enjoy their day off.

Pray about the decision concerning the college you will attend. If possible visit PCC. Call the college and request information. I will also be happy to answer any other questions you have.

Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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