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Pensacola Christian College

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I WAS DIMISSED ANDNot so brightNursing
2nd Year Female -- Class 2014
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Things everyone should know about PCC:BrightCommunications
Things everyone should know about PCC:

1. While the cost at PCC is considerably lower than most colleges, consider: They do not accept any scholarships

other than their own, Students are only eligible for ONE of their scholarships, And while their tuition has almost doubled in the last 5 years their scholarship amounts remain the same.

2. College Days are not a good example of how PCC runs everyday.
3. PCC offers students $200-$300 per person that they can convince to register as a future student. (so they might be recommending PCC just for money, not because it's a great college)

4. When visiting PCC, make sure you ask your tour guide about the different types of punishments, like shadowing, socialing, campusing (whoops, they don't campus people anymore, because it turns out, that's ILLEGAL)

5. In all their promotional material, PCC boasts about Pensacola Beach. In reality, students are not even allowed to go there unless they are with family. Men and women go to separate beaches.

6. Did you know PCC can kick you out for something as simple as 'inappropriate' pictures on your facebook? (even if it was taken while on break or before you were a student)

7. At PCC, students are always guilty until proven innocent.
1. No dorm rooms have locks on them, anyone can enter at anytime. This includes floor leaders/residence managers who will ignore your right to privacy if they think you may be doing or posses something 'unacceptable.'

2. Stolen items are a norm in the dorms, especially in the mens'. The college doesn't really do much about it unless people complain enough. Then they may resort to kicking out an innocent student so people will think it's been resolved. (it's happened before)

3. All students under 23 have to be in bed with the lights out by 11:00 pm (12 am on Friday and Saturday). If you get caught studying past that time during finals, they write you up for cheating. (they believe you are getting an unfair advantage over other students)

4. Most of the dorm rooms have sealed windows. (FIRE HAZARD)
5. During fire drills in the girls' dorm, floor leaders will not let girls in pants, shorts higher than the knee, etc., exit the building until they have changed into something more 'modest'. (will they enforce that during the real deal?)

6. Since most of the windows are sealed, the rooms could be considered health hazards. Most notably the 2 oldest men's dorms. Black mold has been found in rooms before.

7. Students must scan out whenever going off-campus and say exactly where they are going.
1. Floor leaders have the ability to write any student up, which usually results in demerits.
2. Student Life believes floor leaders are not capable of lying. (or using their authority for personal gain)

3. Dean Baer (head of women) believes a woman cannot be a Christian and wear pants.
4. Abercrombie and Hollister clothing are not allowed since PCC believes that they are connected to pornography. Although, as long as the logos are covered, they don't seem to mind.

5. Student Life is much more concerned that students conform to the PCC spirit instead of an actual Christian spirit. (there is a difference)

6. Student Life has been known to lie to students in order to get a confession to a wrong doing.
7. Student Life will also lessen the degree of punishment for a student who will tattle tale on other students.

8. Certain authority figures will question a person's salvation if they are caught breaking the rules.

9. Although the teachers may be very friendly and helpful (PCC emphasizes this a lot) they really have no say to whether a student gets kicked out or not. (It might help more to have a friendly/helpful Student Life)

1. Did you know that normal church members (not affiliated with PCC) write students up for sleeping, talking, whispering, not being reverent, during church?

Apparently they must not be paying attention either if they can spot those kind of students in a 5,000 seat auditorium.

2. Certain sections/rows of the Crown Center are off limits to PCC students. (just like a real local new testament church)

3. Although there are many other good churches in Pensacola that could use some help from students (piano playing, Sunday School teacher, bus ministry, cleaning, etc.) PCC requires all students (exception for ministerial interns) to attend Campus Church. Where they already have a piano player. And Sunday School Teachers.

There are many more rules, but I think the main thing that gets to most students is living in fear of getting kicked out and a Student Life that is more concerned about carrying out the 'letter of the law' instead of the 'spirit of the law.'

4th Year Female -- Class 2008
Campus Aesthetics: A+, Surrounding City: F
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I am very dipleased with my education atSuper BrilliantEducation
I am very dipleased with my education at this college. This college offers you an indecent education for your money, and you cannot transfer your credits anywhere much either, since the school is unaccredited. I hated PCC so much! Good thing I had cool roommates my last year that made life bearable... we lived at Pizza Hut that year... don't go here!!!!!
4th Year Female -- Class 2001
Perceived Campus Safety: A, Education Quality: F
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