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Pensacola Christian College

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AverageBusiness - Management and Administration
PCC has a friendly campus with good academic standards and also strict regulations.
1st Year Female -- Class 2011
Campus Aesthetics: A+, Individual Value: C+
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OK... so I have read two or threeAverageOther
OK... so I have read two or three pages of these comments. And I have one thing to say- SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! All of you who write how horrible this school is, how many of you graduated? How many of you have a close friendship with staff or Campus Church members? How many of you have worked in the nursery, or volunteered to baby-sit, or gone on Christian service? You know what... every where you go in life, there will be people that you do not like, there will be rules. No one made you go to PCC and you will get out of it what you put into it, just like everything else in life.

I am here for my second year, I have spent the past two summers here. And yes, sometimes you will get homesick, sometimes you will want to give in, SOMETIMES YOU WILL FEEL LIKE QUITTING!!!! BUT DON'T!!!! That is Satan lying and trying to discourage you from doing a work for God.When I came to PCC, my boyfriend and I had one goal. We would get our education, get married, have lots of kids, and teach at a christian school. Since that time both of our majors have changed, and yes, there have been tough times. But here, we have realized that our plan isn't good enough. Our plan doesn't matter, the only place to be is in God's Will. So yeah, it will be tough. Classes are gonna push you. But one of my professors said, " I will push you, but never will I break you." Shame on all of you who come on these web sites and bash PCC. The only reason most of you are on here complaining is because you couldn't hack it. You know what???? NO- the college doesn't let us wear jeans, but why do you think they don't? I went to a Christian school in high school and the same thing happened there... they gave us leeway and people took advantage of it. You know, yes, sometimes I wish I could wear my blue jean skirt and sweat shirt and a pair of flip-flops to class, but I can't. Why??? Because I am under the authority of PCC. I signed a paper when I enrolled stating that I would abide by the rules of PCC, and so did each of you that come on this site and talk about how horrible this place is. If it was for you, I am dreadfully sorry. Because you have missed out!!! At P.C.C. I met the best friend I have ever had, and I spend each day with the man I love. The man that GOD has placed in my life. And each day although it gets tough, and yes I get stressed with classes, I thank God. My boyfriend and I are working towards our future in GOD'S WILL. If PCC was horrible for you, I pity you because you have missed out on the experience of a lifetime. Friends, Fine Arts, memories that will last a lifetime. There are rules, not every one agrees with them. BUT.... The LORD is here. In my time here I have learned many things spiritually and academically. The Lord has used this website tonight to show me, why he has me here. Because I want to go to a college where I can learn to love others and love GOD and raise my family in the admonition of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. PCC is a blessing and I love here even though there have been hard times. Yes, I came from a country music home but you know what... you can sacrifice your music for your future... think about it Christ sacrificed HIS life for you.

More of you need to pay attention in chapel, like Dr. Mullinex said, " Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted forgiving one another even as GOD for Christ sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:25.And for you whoever you are, I have not been paid by anyone and i would be happy to be a floor leader here because then I could have more authority to back everything i am saying.I love my Lord and my family and my friends and I thank GOD for sending me here to PCC.

1st Year Female -- Class 2011
Education Quality: A+, Innovation: A-
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In order to come to this school youQuite BrightMusic - Performance
In order to come to this school you HAVE to have a good attitude coming in! This is an awesome school and you can learn SO much here! I transferred here from another Christian school and I love just it! yes, there are many rules but they are all there for a reason and not just to make us miserable and angry!! My brother and I both attend here and love it! Your life will change here....but it all depends on your attitude!!
1st Year Female -- Class 2011
Education Quality: A+, Surrounding City: B
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