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Pensacola Christian College

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PCC sucks! It's theQuite BrightAnthropology
PCC sucks! It's the worst place ever. I went there for music camp for two years; the first time there was okay but the second time i went there they were so fucking legalistic about everything it was sickening. If you really want to go to PCC, then prepare on not having a life!
1st Year Male -- Class 2013
Friendliness: B-, Faculty Accessibility: F
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DO NOT GO HERE.Not so brightEducation
The only reason I went here is because it was cheap and my whole family went here. However, I am DONE and will be attending FSU next year. I hated this school with a passion, honestly.

You basically can't even talk to the opposite sex without getting screamed at. If you say "hey" to a boy/girl they assume you are having sex with them.

The dress code is insane, and so are the rules.

1st Year Female -- Class 2014
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Communications - Broadcasting and Minored in Graphic design.Super BrilliantCommunications
Communications - Broadcasting and Minored in Graphic design. I completed 3.5 years at PCC before being required to leave.

All of the negative comments are true and a bit tame, really.
Here is my review.
Keep in mind that the rules are based on a demerit system, the basics of which are:
150 demerit limit per semester before getting "kicked out"
50 demerits for "lying"
50 demerits for skipping church (bar-coded cards are distributed to the students to account for their presence at church activities - George Orwell would be proud)

25-50 demerits for disobeying authority (basically tacked on to anything if you complain about it)
25 demerits for being more than 20 minutes late to a single class
25 demerits for skipping 11am chapel (this occurs every day and is mandatory even during holidays and their version of "spring-break")

The rest are absurdities...
50 demerits for talking to the oppo(site gender outside after 5:30pm or dusk + "socialing" which is like being grounded from leaving campus or talking to girls for two weeks)

50+ demerits for touching the opposite gender + Socialing (the severity of the demerits is subject to how much touching, keeping in mind a hug and a handshake are 50, helping a girl up who fell down five flights of steps would probably get a guy kicked out)

If you crest 75 demerits you get grounded to campus for 2 weeks.
If two people in your room crest 75 demerits, the last one to get 75 demerits gets force-ably moved to another room.

If you crest 125 demerits you'll get force-ably moved to a "floor leader's" room for the rest of time.

I haven't been there in a long time, but you could get all sorts of random demerits for not falling perfectly in line... stuff like 8 for walking on the grass, 10 for not wearing a belt or wearing sneakers to church, etc.. It's really bizarre. There is more attention given to the rule system than to the updating their educational structure to keep competitive in reality.

Someone on here stated that they had trouble transferring credits. 70% of my Television Broadcasting degree was made up of "credits" from Bible related classes. Even if you're lucky enough to find a school that will accept academic equivalents for credits, you'll still have lost most of your "progress" due to the non-transferable, non-relevant classes PCC forces everyone to take.

Do not go to this school if you are interested in any of the arts, or mass medias. They are drastically behind in all of their contextual approaches and are only capable of churning out people to work on their website, homeschooling book press, radio station, or church TV broadcast. None of this is relevant, I know. I've been working in film for 7 years now and none of my schooling got me here.

With that in mind here is my evaluation.
Approachable (D): The faculty is only approachable if they like you based on your appearance and willingness to kowtow to their every whim (see rule about disregarding authority, interpreted by every "authority' figure independently)

Competitive (F): the content of the multi-media related classes is worthless outside of the school grounds. Fundamental structure is lacking and projects are beyond basic. A middleschooler is doing higher quality stuff these days.

Faculty Access (D+): The faculty have very limited availability schedules and are often to afraid to "break rules" to get any interesting things done. Keeping in mind Art, media, technology, and film/video is about being cutting edge in order to be competitive. If you want to make industrials for the rest of your career then go ahead and attend.

Creativity (F): I had a class in design in which my (skateboard themed, non-offensive) 6'x 8' art was taken by the Dean of Student affairs and physically destroyed because they said it was "mocking PCC due to the slacker stickers and boring stickers on the skate board." As many of you who are artists understand, it was heart crushing, and made me think I was worthless. This school's administration has such control over your mind that it didn't even cross my mind that they were nucking futs.

BusyWork (C-): most of the class schedule is concentrated on history of broadcasting, not actual contextual function. Great, I know who made the first radio, but how does that help me function in a work related situation... it doesn't (Junior level course BTW).

Scholastic Success (F): As stated earlier the focus is not developing your mind but keeping you in line... FAIL.

Major (F): Beyond the walls of PCC none of the technical skills of the Broadcasting degree are viable in real world jobs. The graphic design is only functional to a point as the "advanced" classes are about as advanced as an online tutorial.

Safety (C): sure you're safe from the "outside world" but you're definitely not safe from the inside one. No one ever talks about all the thievery and hazing that goes on here. It happens in the dorms, at night, or by the floor leaders when everyone else is at chapel. If a floor leader finds something in your room that conflicts with the rules, he can basically just take it because you can't say anything. They'll tag you with lying or just give you whatever amount of demerits they deem reasonable for what you just turned yourself in for. It's a catch 22 and you're sunk. There are no locks or alarms allowed on individual's dorm room doors.

Resources (C): The school library is a joke. There is nothing but "censored classics" (yes, they use black marker to cross out anything they don't like in books magazines, art, whatever), Christian literature, and fluff. Anything that goes against the school's proclaimed theology is banned. Example, the Mona Lisa has been censored due to low cleavage.

Aesthetics (A+): Like everything here it's a facade of happy, happy, joy, joy; but under those nicely manicured monkeygrass patches lies nothing but dust and red clay.

Maintenance (A+): cheers to all my fellow maintenance men.
Individual Value (F): you are a barcode to them, nothing more. If you don't line up, you get kicked out and they couldn't care less.

Social (F): You will only learn the PCC variation of social interaction and then be caught off guard by reality every Christmas... It's not even worth writing about, except military school is less socially awkward.

City (F): Pensacola is a military port and as such is pretty barren when it comes to "party scene", but it won't matter anyhow, because PCC WON"T LET YOU OFF CAMPUS AFTER 10:30P ANYHOW!

There are two ways to graduate from PCC. Buy into the theology hook line and sinker, don't think for yourself and have faith that you are the closest thing to God that anyone outside of campus will ever come in contact with; or Become a super brilliant devious mutha who can sneak around the rules and bend even the most legalistic mind to your will... or get kicked out for walking on the grass in sneakers on Sunday.

4th Year Female -- Class 2002
Campus Aesthetics: A+, Education Quality: F
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