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Pensacola Christian College

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PCC attempts to control every aspect of theQuite BrightEnglish
PCC attempts to control every aspect of the students' lives. At registration,students must sign a form saying that PCC has the right to open their mail, go through their drawers, and look in their computer files. When I was a student (and I don't think this has changed), there was no internet access and email was only allowed to international students who would pay $20 and sign a form saying PCC could read their email. Books and newspapers are censored (I worked in the library.) Any independent thought is discouraged as rebellion against God. As I was quiet and studious, I did not get many demerits. But even though I avoided breaking the rules, I was constantly made to feel guilty and paranoid. It is nearly impossible to be alone to think. There is not a day in which sermons of hellfire and "the KJV only" are not forced down one's throat. I have now lost my faith in any Christianity, and PCC is one of the reasons for that.
4th Year Female -- Class 2003
Campus Maintenance: A+, University Resource Use/ spending: D
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If you are lookingMath
If you are looking for a well-rounded education, Pensacola Christian College is definitely the place to go. You learn what you need to know both for everyday life and your professional life.I am very glad to be an Alumni of PCC.
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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EDUCATION: As a female education major PCC prepared me very well for teaching in a Christian school - and they make no bones about the fact that this is their goal. My education courses were demanding and practical. However, as a principal who knows the salaries of teachers, if you are not married some school's salaries are so low that it is hard to support yourself, especially if you have to pay a portion of your health insurance. If you are a male teacher who has to support a family it is even worse. If you needed to teach in public school for financial reasons the transition is extremely difficult.

RULES: I enjoyed my college years because I accepted the fact that we were all subjected to the same rules - many which were ridiculous - yet everyone had to abide so we were all in the same boat. You don't have to agree or have the same personal convictions (hose, coulottes, no slacks, etc.) - just do it while you're there and try not to obsess over it.

SPIRITUAL: Looking back, in spite of what was taught from the pulpit, I felt like I developed a "works salvation" mentality. When I left PCC I realized how critical of others I had become. If they didn't dress right, talk right, were not extremely conservative, listened to the "wrong" kind of music, I felt God was not pleased with them nor was at work in their lives. I felt that because I did these things that I was a better Christian! I'm thankful the Holy Spirit revealed to me how wrong that is. I think this is an unintentional result of how they performed discipline and how unmerciful some in authority could be. God uses and blesses others even if they do not agree in all areas with PCC. Aside from this bad aspect, I did learn many other positive and important things from Bible classes, chapel, and church.FRIENDS and FACULTY: I had the best time with godly friends that I am close to today. We did a lot of hilarious things during "quiet hours!" My instructors were super and some are still my friends today as well. With a warning to take some things with a grain of salt and to listen to the Holy Spirit, I would recommend PCC.

Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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