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Pensacola Christian College

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PCC is one of the most closed mindedBrightHistory/Histories (art history/etc.)
PCC is one of the most closed minded schools I have ever witnessed!! They are fake, self righteous Christians. DON?T go to PCC!! They kick out anyone who disagrees with them whether right or wrong. I believe in Sovereign Grace but I was never allowed to talk about the doctrine while I was at PCC due to the threat of them kicking me out. PCC is not true Christianity!!
4th Year Male -- Class 2009
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Individual Value: F
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First, I will use the timeless mantra ofBrightCriminal
First, I will use the timeless mantra of a well liked english teacher and use the sandwich technique in this review.

I should begin by saying that I have made the best friends possible during the time I spent PCC. Most of the teachers genuinely care about their students and will help in any way they can-my criminal justice teachers especially were a great encouragement to me. GAs r the only problem with PCCs educational program, because even though most of these recently graduated PCC alumni r well meaning and fun, they r neither qualified nor well equipped by the administration to teach classes. I have read many negative remarks about the work program, however my experience working at the distribution center was rewarding-unlike some of the alumni my supervisors were men u could respect and were not totalitarian about PCCs many rules.

However although my friends, teachers, and work kept me sane for the year and a half I spent at PCC, the administration and its petty rules did much to harm it. Unlike some who have written negative reviews, I grew up in a conservative Christian home and had no trouble with the so-called normal teen vices. That being said one would think that I would have had no trouble with student life....however this was not the case. As some ppl have already said life is filled with rules, and most of PCCs rules are designed for the safety of the student body however a large number of them are only the selfish caprices of a overbearing administration who believe that following their rules makes a person a born again believer.

Student Life, atleast those in student life that I came into contact with, rule simply by caprice. Demerits for disrespect r handed out for anything from questioning their superior authority to protesting ur innocence. The level of hypocrisy present in such high ranking admin as Miss Baer the dean of womens student life and Miss Raybuck the former Residence Manager of Bradley, is astounding for people who call themselves exemplary Christians. Although lying is not condoned for the student body, Student Life and resident managers have been known to lie in order to get a confession. Students r not only responsible for their own actions but also everyone elses, not reporting someone can result in dismissal. This rule leads to distrust among roommates, suite mates, and even friends.

The treatment of students accused of breaking any rule is nothing less than torture. They assault ur salvation, spirituality, and your very humanity in their quest to prove u guilty. Even if guilt cannot b proven, suspicion can get u kicked out. Judgement is hardly impartial. Leniency is extended to foreign students and in some cases to students who plead for mercy.

Not only is social growth stifled by the many rules and self esteem trodden by capricious administrators, the spiritual atmosphere is nothing to brag about. Dr Mullinex, the dear old grandfatherly fugure that he is, can not preach a logical, note-worthy, or interesting sermon to save his life. I who had never slept through any church service in my life before attending PCC, slept through his and those of some of the other faculty who preached. Guest preachers for the most part saved my faith in preachers of the Word. In evangelists such as Mr Pope, Mr Redlin, my faith was strengthened and heartened-Pastor Shakour could also pack a thought provoking sermon when he was not reading off a script about following PCC rules to b a good Christian.

If ur looking for a great campus (the sports center is THE recreational facility of all colleges), a great education (despite that any major besides nursing is not accredited and many credits r devoted strictly to Bible courses), and great lasting friendships, ask the Lord if He has called to PCC. However PLEASE look at the rules carefully and remember no one is beyond expulsion.

2nd Year Female -- Class 2013
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Individual Value: C
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I'm bored here at work on Saturday soQuite BrightDesign Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etc
I'm bored here at work on Saturday so I figured this would keep me busy and pass the time.....assuming anyone actually reads these. I attended PCC for the fall semester of 1997. The main reason I attended is because I came from a private Christian school background and a lot of my friends enrolled at PCC, so I joined them. Everyone talks about the ridiculous rules at PCC. Anything you've heard or read is an understatement. My first day there, I went to meat my best friend in the upstairs room at the student lounge, The Commons I think it was called. As I headed up the stairs a girl was coming down. She stopped and just stared at me. She asked, "What are you doing?" I replied, "I'm going upstairs to meet my friend." She said, "Oh ok. But these are the girl's stairs. The boys stairs are over there. It's ok. I won't tell on you this time." Really? Seperate stairs for guys and girls? In a brightly lit area with dozens of students and faculty running around, what could possibly happen? God forbid a girl and a guy walk on the same stairs. Later on in my stay, the song "Fly" by Sugar Ray was big at the time. Two guys were walking down the sidewalk on campus singing the song with their arms out in a flying motion. A faculty member saw this and they were punished for it. When I arrived I had a walkman and tapes of the Christian group Acappella. They had to be put into storage until I left because I wasn't allowed to listen to it. Really? You know, I can see them taking away secular music, and could even see them taking away Christian rap or hard rock. But Acappella? The purest form of music, voices only, the instruments God gave us at birth, singing about Godly things, and I couldn't listen to it? I know this was 14 years ago, so I'm sure things have gotten worse. But the one post I read on here is right. People need to at least have the opportunity to make their own choices, whether good or bad, and learn from their mistakes or successes. 99% of the people at PCC come from private Christian schools. So these are all people who grew up in a bubble and think they are going to college to get a taste of being an "adult", away from home and parents. When really they are just moving to a bigger bubble. But how does living in a bubble and proctecting yourself from any secular influences help someone? It doesn't. Even Jesus Christ himself sat and broke bread with the Pharisees. To be effective in the ministry, I think it is necessary to know who you are ministering to and what they go through....their problems, struggles, weaknesses, etc. I'm not saying that to be good in the ministry one has to have used alcohol and drugs, had random sex, been involved in gangs, etc. I'm just saying one of the most effective ministers in history was the apostle Paul who had a horrific past. Being forced into and being kept in a bubble only hurts kids. It seems to me that people I know who attended public schools and universities grow up to be more well-adjusted and successful than those coming out of private Christian education. So basically, I'm coming to this point. If you come from a private Christian school background and are looking to stay in the bubble and be told what to do, when to do it, where to go, when to go, how to speak, how to act, how to dress, how to think...then go to PCC. If you want to go into the ministry or continue in the ministry, go to PCC. And there is nothing wrong wit that at all. The world needs more and better missionaries, teachers, and preachers. But if you plan on any other job in the secular workforce, save yourself the money, time, and frustration and go to a public college or university.
1st Year Male -- Class 2000
Education Quality: A, Social Life: F
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