The Academy of Art University
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The Academy of Art University - Comments and Student Experiences | |||||||||||||||||||
I'm an animation major, and so far I've been challenged and have grown as an artist from my experiences. However, I am also a student who works really hard for my grades. I've had great professors in all of my classes, and if that is what seems to be problem--then do something about it! If you really are hating the class within the first weeks of class, then get out of it, there might not be a time which is as appealing, but at least it would be a better option. Don't just sit there for the 15 weeks and just flounder around being miserable the whole time.
While the "higher ups" of the school are rather aloof and concerned only with themselves: you shouldn't be concerned with them. Worry about your education. Do your school work, go to the workshops, ask questions, be alert, go to class, and you will be rewarded for your effort.
Many people come to this school expecting it to be easy, as if they had done poorly in high school, and since this school doesn't require a portfolio, they think that it'll be an easy option for their education needs--no, instead they'll find themselves unprepared and drowning.
Money seems to be the other complaint. Sure, the school is expensive, but it must be taken into account as to how moderately priced it really is compared to other schools. Here you really do get what you pay for, as long as you are willing to put your full and entire effort into your school work. Don't give up from reading all of these negative reviews! There are bad things about the school, and there are good things as well. You just need to take it as it comes and make the decision for yourself.
Are you a student and about to sign the very first lease in your li... more→
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